Thursday, November 1, 2007

Alive and Kicking!

It was raining here yesterday - a Vancouver kind of mist that seems impervious to umbrellas - so we spent the hours leading up to meeting E in our room watching CNN and the traffic below our window.

When we arrived at the government office the babies were caught in traffic somewhere in the city. They arrived not long after and then we had the odd experience of being in the same room with them but not being able to touch or hold them until our paperwork had been verified. So we spent several minutes snapping pictures and talking to her while she sat in her nanny's arms.
When they finally put her in my arms it was overwhelming. I can't describe the emotion. I just let go and cried. And there were E and baba as cool as can be!

She's been an amazing trooper, handling what can only be a confusing and scary experience for her with spirit! Last night she wouldn't eat but spent lots of time playing with her stacking cups. This morning she downed a bowl of congee and then demonstrated her crawling skills while we filled out the forms and answered questions that officially made her ours! She finally took a bottle around noon. She's gota bit of a cold- we thought she was active already - but after some meds today she really got going, smiling and laughing and playing with a ball and her stacking cups. She has a great attention span and boundless energy!

More soon!

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