Friday, September 7, 2007

Travel Dates are In!

Great news! Our agency has managed to move our travel dates up so we can be with our daughter on her first birthday! We will arriving in Guangzhou on Tuesday October 30 and can come home any time from November 16 onward, leaving from Beijing. Detailed itinerary of our time in China to come.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

An Élan Update from China!

Yay! Our agency called today to let us know that Élan is reportedly doing very well in her orphanage and had some new stats for us! Our little sweetheart is now 2ft 2" tall and weighs in at 17 pounds - she is now officially bigger than our two fuzz puffs (cats). Her little feet measure 4.1" and she has two teeth!

On the travel front, we won't be meeting Élan before November. We were hoping we might squeeze in before the industry trade fair in Guangzhou begins in October but no such luck (and at a 3000% mark-up on hotel rooms during the trade fair we're just as glad to be waiting until November!). Right now we are scheduled to be in China from November 5-23. Our agency is working to see if we can advance those dates a little bit so that our little girl will be with us on her first birthday (November 4).

Monday, September 3, 2007

Ten months and counting!

The clock has just ticked past midnight in China. Élan is ten months old today!